हमारे बारे में

Hey Friend!

I am Sanjay kumar.

I am a full-time blogger, news content writer and entrepreneur.

I help people to aware through the different kind of daily news.

 भारतीय Bulletin news was started with a simple blog on 23 nov.2019  but with its hard work and hard work, it is moving towards its goal. This blog is my way of giving the information at the busy schedule time.

If you want to be aware to take the daily bases current news stories then follow my news based site.

It is the effort of the Indian Bulletin that the news should be conveyed first. The Indian Bulletin understands its responsibility well before publishing any news.

Therefore, the Indian Bulletin publishes social, economic, politics, recreational, health, education and all other types of news keeping in mind the viewer’s well-being.

It is difficult to compete with websites that are currently running fast in the business race but not impossible. Our efforts are therefore on.

I started a simple blog and currently I am moving towards my goal.
